Analyzing Assessment Data – Assistant Principal Edition


Presenter: John Hinds, JL Hinds Consulting
Core Area: Domain 1 Strong School Leadership and Planning Indicator 1.2, 1.3; Domain 3 Positive School Culture Indicator 3.1; Domain 4: High-Quality Curriculum Indicator 4.2; Domain 5: Effective Instruction Indicator 5.4
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

How can assistant principals effectively analyze and act on assessment data to support student success? In this 1-hour course from JL Hinds Consulting, John Hinds shares a comprehensive system for analyzing assessment data with clarity and precision. Tailored specifically for assistant principals, this course emphasizes practical strategies for building data-driven plans, collaborating with leadership teams, and using insights to foster meaningful change on campus.

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What steps can assistant principals take to transform raw assessment data into actionable insights that drive academic improvement? In this 1-hour course from JL Hinds Consulting, John Hinds, an experienced educator and principal, introduces a structured approach to data analysis. This course equips assistant principals with the tools to interpret complex datasets, collaborate with leadership teams, and create effective systems that support both educators and students.

John leverages his 17 years of experience as a principal to guide participants through key topics like embedding assessment calendars into master schedules, identifying trends in student performance, and addressing unique challenges faced by diverse student populations. This engaging session emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making and provides actionable strategies to strengthen campus-wide academic outcomes.

In this 1-hour course, you will discover:

  • How to create and integrate assessment calendars into your master schedule
  • Strategies for collaborating with leadership teams to analyze and act on data
  • Techniques for identifying and addressing performance trends in diverse student groups
  • Ways to visualize data for impactful staff discussions
  • Practical methods for fostering a culture of accountability and continuous improvement

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