Building Verbal Intelligence (Part 2) – Strategies for Building Academic Literacy in Students Raised in Poverty


Presenter: Joyce Juntune, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Core Area: Creativity & Instructional Strategies
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

Children who are raised in poverty or low-income households are much more likely to drop out. Gifted children raised in poverty are particularly at­ risk. But that doesn’t have to be the case. These children can all succeed. They can go to college. They can do wonderful things if someone will take the time to build their complex language skills and verbal memory.

Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

© Texas Association for the Gifted & Talented, Austin, Texas 2020

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During this 1-hour course, Dr. Juntune shares the findings of research started at Texas A&M University and the interventions being implemented in El Paso ISD to change the way we view and serve gifted students from poverty.

In this course you will learn three steps to improving success rates for low SES:

  1. Mind Sketching: A teaching technique that encourages students to sketch out the concept behind their answer while they come up with the words to communicate it.
  2. Building Verbal Intelligence: Children living in poverty have a simple language structure and we must give them a complex language structure.
  3. How to design a Gifted Program Specifically For These Students

Visit the TAGT website to learn more about the Texas Association for the Gifted and Talented.

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