Effective Bullying Prevention and Intervention – Equipping Adults & Empowering Bystanders


Presenter: John Linney, Impact Associates
Core Area: Social & Emotional
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

The statistics on bullying are sobering. According to one recent report, one in four students report being bullied at school. Now more than ever before teachers need tools and resources to help identify and prevent bullying.

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729 reviews for Effective Bullying Prevention and Intervention – Equipping Adults & Empowering Bystanders

  1. Maria – WESLACO ISD (verified owner)

    Very informative.

  2. alicia – WESLACO ISD (verified owner)

    very interesting information

  3. Audria – WESLACO ISD (verified owner)


  4. SANDRA – EDINBURG CISD (verified owner)

    Good course.

  5. eva – EDINBURG CISD (verified owner)

    5- Very informative

  6. Maria – EDINBURG CISD (verified owner)

    Interesting and just too long.

  7. jesus – WESLACO ISD (verified owner)

    nice review

  8. RAQUEL – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    It was an informative course.

  9. Jesus – HPS – WEST TX (verified owner)

    Excellent. Well Organized

  10. Jacie – CHISUM ISD (verified owner)


  11. Christabel – WESLACO ISD (verified owner)

    very informative

  12. Roxanne – MCALLEN ISD (verified owner)

    Great course of bully prevention. This topic needs to be a priority for all.

  13. Maribel – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    This course was very formative. Enjoyed it.

  14. Geanna – MCALLEN ISD (verified owner)


  15. Nora – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    Very informative and helpful.

  16. Daisy – HILLSBORO ISD (verified owner)

    Very good information and ways to set the climate and help fix the bullying problems.

  17. Melissa – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    Informative and explicit

  18. Maria de Lourdes – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    It was informative and will be using some techniques in my classroom.

  19. Maria – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    Very informative

  20. Melody – WODEN ISD (verified owner)

    a worthwhile lesson

  21. Marta – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    Great course!! Teacher and Student friendly. Right on point!!

  22. Frankie – HUGHES SPRINGS ISD (verified owner)

    Liked everything

  23. JAMES – SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD (verified owner)

    Great course

  24. BLANCA – SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD (verified owner)

    Helps to give general idea of how to establish healthy relationships with students to reinforce positive behavior.

  25. Patricia – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    It was good.

  26. Elizabeth – WESLACO ISD (verified owner)

    Interesting facts.

  27. KELLY – SAN FELIPE-DEL RIO CISD (verified owner)

    Great training!

  28. Cassandra – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    Great information

  29. Rosa – UNITED ISD (verified owner)


  30. Aida – UNITED ISD (verified owner)

    Very informative!

  31. Sean – COLUMBUS CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)

    Very helpful at all grade levels.

  32. Hayley – BORDEN COUNTY ISD (verified owner)

    Great information for being aware of bullying.

  33. Dora – DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)

    This course is very essential for all levels.

  34. Karen – COSHOCTON CITY (verified owner)

    Lots of practical advice given here!

  35. Jim – CHARDON LOCAL (verified owner)

    It was eye opening and I highly recommend it to any parent, student and educator.

  36. Tara – ROSCOE ISD (verified owner)

    Very informative

  37. Carlie – ANGLETON ISD (verified owner)

    This is an important training that all teachers should attend.

  38. Bernadette – NEW LEXINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)

    This course is fast paced informational.

  39. Angie – WAYNE TRACE LOCAL (verified owner)

    This was a helpful course. I was able to learn some action steps that I can begin to apply immediately in my classroom.

  40. Alicia – DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)


  41. Keri – CARROLL ISD (verified owner)

    concise and to the point

  42. Blanca – LOS FRESNOS CISD (verified owner)

    Very informative

  43. Elda – DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)

    Expert advice which was well taken.

  44. Marsha – LAREDO ISD (verified owner)

    Extremely informative. Schools need to inform & get parents more involved with how their child acts.

  45. Galen – ALVARADO ISD (verified owner)

    Informative, but no new information about bullying or its prevention was presented.

  46. Aaron – DONNA INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT (verified owner)

    super informative about bullying

  47. Lizet – LAREDO ISD (verified owner)

    The course provides with key elements in the topic of Bullying

  48. Erica – BOLING ISD (verified owner)

    This was a very informative course and one that all educators must complete. It can save the lives of many students if teachers were more aware. We spend the most amount of time with our students, more than their parents, so we see more. This course is crucial for educators so that we can help our students and prevent bullying from happening or intervene before it becomes too late

  49. Melinda – GRAND PRAIRIE ISD (verified owner)

    It had great information

  50. Alfredo – SOUTH TEXAS ISD (verified owner)

    Nice PD on Bullying and prevention.

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