Getting Organized to Maximize Time Management


Presenter: John Hinds, JL Hinds Consulting
Core Area: Domain 1 Strong School Leadership and Planning Indicator 1.2, 1.3; Domain 2 Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Indicator 2.4; Domain 3 Positive School Culture Indicator 3.1, 3.3
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

Are you struggling to manage your time effectively? In this 1-hour course from JL Hinds Consulting, John Hinds will guide you through the essentials of organizational skills to enhance your time management capabilities. Learn practical strategies to structure your day for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.

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Do you often find yourself overwhelmed with tasks and unsure how to prioritize your day? In this comprehensive 1-hour course presented by JL Hinds Consulting, John Hinds offers a deep dive into the techniques of getting organized to take control of your time. Discover methods to streamline your workflow and make proactive decisions that lead to better productivity. John draws on his extensive experience in educational leadership to provide targeted advice for assistant principals, but the principles are universally applicable.

In this course, you will discover:

  • How to establish a reliable and adaptable organizational system
  • Strategies for transitioning from reactive to proactive leadership
  • Techniques to prioritize tasks and manage daily responsibilities effectively
  • Methods to improve decision-making through better organization
  • Tips for using tools and resources to keep track of commitments

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