Pre-Assessment for Differentiation


Presenter: Colleen Boyle, Ph.D.
Core Area: Curricular Content Knowledge 3.3, 3.4; ODE Teacher Competency f, g; OAGC Lesson Design
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

Differentiation doesn’t have to be hard! One of the best ways to support differentiation in your classroom is by using pre-assessment, which helps you address the individual needs of your students. In this 1-hour course presented by educator Dr. Colleen Boyle, you will learn about the purpose of pre-assessment and how to use pre-assessment data to plan differentiation in your classroom. Discover how you can improve your instruction using pre-assessment data for differentiation.  

Need more hours? Save $10 with our 3 hour bundle or save $30 with our 6 hour bundle!

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Differentiation is a key element that helps you address the individual needs of your students and empowers them to thrive academically. One of the best ways to support differentiation in your classroom is by using pre-assessment. In this course presented by educator Dr. Colleen Boyle, teachers will explore different types of pre-assessment data and learn to make decisions based on that data to plan differentiation in their classrooms. After taking this course, you will gain a deep understanding of the purpose and features of pre-assessment and how to incorporate it into your instruction.

In this 1-hour course, you will learn about:

  • Formal pre-assessments
  • Informal pre-assessments
  • Using data for differentiation
  • Using data for grouping
2016 ODE Teacher Competencies: f, g
NAGC Teacher Preparation Standard: 3.3, 3.4

Click here for a leader’s guide created by the Ohio Association for the Gifted and Talented.

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