Self-Care for Administrators


Presenter: Dr. Chris Jones, Next Level Consulting
Core Area: Domain 1 Strong School Leadership and Planning Indicator 1.2; Domain 2 Effective, Well-Supported Teachers Indicator 2.4
Grade Level: Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 1

Are you seeking ways to improve your well-being as an administrator? In this 1-hour course from Next Level Consulting, Dr. Chris Jones explores the importance of self-care for school leaders. Learn how intentional self-care strategies can help you better manage your responsibilities and cultivate a healthier, more balanced lifestyle.

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Do you need practical ways to balance the demands of school leadership while maintaining your health and well-being? In "Self-Care for Administrators," Dr. Chris Jones, executive director of ASD’s Virginia affiliate, shares practical insights on holistic self-care. He offers strategies to help administrators establish goals, effectively organize their time, and cultivate meaningful relationships with family, friends, and the community.

This 1-hour course from Next Level Consulting emphasizes the importance of proactive planning for self-care and provides a structured framework to help you identify goals and incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life.

In this 1-hour course, you will discover:

  • How to define and set meaningful goals for your self-care journey
  • Strategies for organizing your time and setting boundaries
  • Techniques for managing your health and wellness consistently
  • How to build supportive relationships with family, friends, and your community
  • Methods to monitor and assess progress toward achieving your self-care objectives

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