SPED Instructional Strategies


Presenter: Ayo Jones, Noodle Nook
Core Area:
Instructional Planning and Delivery 1B, 1C; Knowledge of Students and Student Learning 2A, 2C; Content Knowledge and Expertise 3A, 3B; Learning Environment 4A; Data-Driven Practice 5A, 5C, 5D; Professional Practices and Responsibilities 6A, 6C; Planning 1.2, 1.3; Instruction 2.1, 2.4, 2.5; Learning Environment 3.2; Professional Practices and Responsibilities 4.2
Grade Level: 
Elementary & Secondary
Hours: 0.25

Have you ever wondered if you are planning and implementing the right instructional strategies to meet your special education students’ specific needs? In order to best support your students with disabilities in the classroom, you need to have a better idea of what frameworks are available and how to measure your instructional practices. In this 15-minute course from Noodle Nook, Ayo Jones outlines specific considerations to keep in mind as you evaluate your implementation of instructional strategies and targeted supports. In addition, she provides steps that teachers, teams, and administrators can take in order to improve student outcomes and enact instructional strategies with purpose.

This session is part of the Special Education Self-Assessment Series.


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How do you implement an IEP after it’s been created and goals have been set? What strategies should you use, and how can you individualize them to support your students with disabilities? In this course from Noodle Nook, Ayo Jones outlines specific considerations to keep in mind as you evaluate your implementation of instructional strategies and targeted supports. In addition, she provides steps for teachers, teams, and administrators to take in order to enact instructional strategies with purpose and improved outcomes.

This session is part of the Special Education Self-Assessment Series. The series is all about self-evaluation and gaining a better understanding of how to meet your legally-mandated obligations regarding special education programs and students receiving special education services.

In this 15-minute course you will learn:

  • What evidence-based instructional strategies are
  • Which frameworks outline effective instructional strategies
  • How to individualize instructional strategies for students with disabilities
  • How to work as a team and collaborate on data-based instructional strategies
  • Why continued learning about instructional strategies is essential


Other courses in this series:

SPED Self-Assessment – Child Find and Evaluations
SPED Self-Assessment – Family Engagement
SPED Self-Assessment – IEP Content and Development
SPED Self-Assessment – IEP Implementation
SPED Self-Assessment – Properly Constituted IEP Committees
SPED Self-Assessment – Secondary Transition

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