Taking the Mystery Out of Dyscalculia


Presenter: Stetson Online
Core Area: 
Instructional Planning and Delivery 1B, 1C; Knowledge of Students and Student Learning 2A, 2B; Content Knowledge and Expertise 3C; Data-Driven Practice 5C; Professional Practices and Responsibilities 6A
Grade Level: 
Elementary & Secondary

While some research estimates that between 5-7% of students are affected by dyscalculia, others believe it is as common as dyslexia. Like dyslexia, dyscalculia is not linked to low intelligence, and it is a condition that is not outgrown. Dyscalculia identifies students who have ‘unexpected’ difficulties learning mathematics that cannot be predicted by the child’s age, other academic and cognitive abilities, exposure to instruction, or sociocultural opportunities. This course will report research-based strategies that have been effective with students who struggle with any of four topics of math instruction, including: Issues of Anxiety and Engagement; Number Sense; Computation; and, Problem Solving.

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While some research estimates that between 5-7% of students are affected by dyscalculia, others believe it is as common as dyslexia. Like dyslexia, dyscalculia is not linked to low intelligence, and it is a condition that is not outgrown. Dyscalculia identifies students who have ‘unexpected’ difficulties learning mathematics that cannot be predicted by the child’s age, other academic and cognitive abilities, exposure to instruction, or sociocultural opportunities. This course will report research-based strategies that have been effective with students who struggle with any of four topics of math instruction, including: Issues of Anxiety and Engagement; Number Sense; Computation; and, Problem Solving.

  • Component One: Student Anxiety and Lack of Engagement
  • Component Two: Number Sense
  • Component Three: Computation
  • Component Four: Problem Solving


Teachers, Paraeducators, Curriculum Specialists

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